This information sheet is designed to assist with the identification of and treatment options for Trochanteric Bursitis and is suitable for both the clinician and the regular lay person.

What is it?

  • The Trochanteric Bursa is a thin sack that protects the bony part of your hip. This can become inflamed and irritated causing pain and dysfunction
  • Imbalances between the gluteal muscles and other muscles eg tensor fascia lata can lead to the inflammation of fluid filled sacs (bursa)
  • The bursa may also become inflamed due to direct trauma to the outside of the hip eg falls
  • In athletes, particularly female, the bursa may become irritated with spike in load andgeneral overuse in activity.
  • When the bursa becomes inflamed it can be extremely painful and tender to press.

What do I look for?

  • Pain in the outside of the hip and/or buttock region. It may also travel down the outside of the leg
  • Pain when walking, especially up and down stairs
  • Inability to lie on your affected side
  • Very tender to touch

What causes it?

  • Muscle imbalances around the pelvic/hip region
  • Poor control of the pelvic stabilisers
  • After an injury such as a fall or a car accident
  • Pregnancy

When do I see a therapist?

  • The quicker the rehabilitation can be started the shorter the treatment period will be, in many cases.  A therapsist can assess your condition, use electrotherapeutic modalities, correct muscle imbalances and provide you with an appropriate exercise program.
  • Reduction in load initially is important, followed by a gradual increase in activity.
  • A graduated strength program will be crucial with specific attention to the gluteals.

Braces and Supports

  1. Thermoskin Hip Support
  2. Thermoskin Shorts

Do I see my doctor?

  • If symptoms persist, your doctor may be able to assist with issues such as anti-inflammatory medications.  Your physiotherapist will also advise you when you need to see your doctor
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