
Ankle braces and supports are designed to provide support and stability to the ankle region. They are commonly used to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with ankle injuries, such as sprains, strains, and fractures.

These can be particularly useful immediately after injury as they can help to reduce the load on the affected area, allowing the injury to heal more quickly. They can also be used to help prevent further injury by providing additional support and stability to the ankle.

During rehab, ankle braces and supports can be helpful in allowing the injured person to perform certain exercises and activities that may be difficult or painful without the added support. They can also be used to help with the transition back to normal function, by providing support and stability as the injured person gradually increases their activity level.

There are many different types of ankle braces and supports available on the market, ranging from simple ankle supports that can be worn under clothing to more complex braces that are designed to provide more support and stability. Some ankle braces and supports are also designed to be adjustable, allowing the wearer to customize the level of support they receive.

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using an ankle brace or support, as they can advise on the most suitable type of support for the individual’s specific needs and injury. In some cases, an ankle brace or support may not be the most appropriate treatment option and alternative methods may be recommended.

  • $55.00


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